Lorenzo - The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey



We first met Lorenzo when he was struggling with uncontrolled seizures, aggression and drug use. He wasn’t involved in any meaningful activities and wasn’t on good terms with the family members he was living with. He was refusing to take his seizure medication or see doctors. After gathering resources from BIANJ and framing his challenges in the context of brain injury, Lorenzo and his family members began a journey toward a new beginning for his life. He started regularly attending a day program, reconnected with doctors to help regulate his seizures, and became an invested brother and son to his family. He began using the TBI Fund to meet regularly with a life coach who helps him practice life skills and serves as a weekly mentor. Thanks to Lorenzo’s family and support from BIANJ, he now has a better home life, improved family relationships, goals and the willingness to work towards them. Through connection to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Lorenzo works part time with the goal to transition to full time work!